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AIA Annual Conference 2007


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“4th & 5th May 2007: Excelize selected to be part of AIA task force on best practices for offshore architectural outsourcing June 2007”.

The Way the Indian Economy is Growing is Exciting Nov 12, 2007

The reverse brain drain that has taken firm roots in the present day scenario has given rise to many a young entrepreneur in India. Pratap Dhopte, COO, and co-founder of Excelize, is one such entrepreneur, who wanted to come back to his country.

Excelize selected to be part of AIA task force on best practices for offshore architectural outsourcing June 2007

Excelize Inc. a global architectural services firm was selected as a task force member by the AIA International Committee on the task of drafting “Best Practices to guide firms using offshore architectural services “. Adam Rasheed, EVP Business Development, Excelize Inc, would be participating with other distinguished members from the field of architecture on the following issue groups – “Meeting the legal requirements of responsible control ” and “Training “.

Hindustan Times – IT industry in Aurangabad still infant, Jan 12th

“But, I can tell you it is a matter of a couple of years for the IT business to take over here,” says Pratap Dhopte, co-founder and chief operating officer of Excelize, that churns out designs and drafting for architectural firms in the US. In less than three years, Excelize has hit a turn over of Rs 2.5 crore and has increased its man force from four to thirty-two, something he doubts would have come his way in his hometown Pune.

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