BIM Capability Assessment

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BIM Construction World

Building Information Modeling is the creation and use of coordinated, consistent, computable information about a building project in design that yields reliable digital representations of the building—representations used for design… Building Information Modeling is the creation and use of coordinated, consistent, computable information about a building project in design that yields reliable digital representations of the building—representations used for design decision-making, production of high-quality construction documents, performance predictions, cost-estimating and construction planning and eventually for managing and operating the facility. Read more Read less

BIM Architectural Services

As the new economy alters lifestyles, enhances spending power and encourages aspirational living, developers are constantly pushing the envelope. As a result, concepts like residential colonies, commercial complexes, and industrial… As the new economy alters lifestyles, enhances spending power and encourages aspirational living, developers are constantly pushing the envelope. As a result, concepts like residential colonies, commercial complexes, and industrial estates are passé, and high-end residential complexes, malls and mega retail outlets, integrated townships, Special Economic Zones and Software Parks now rule the urban landscape. Read more Read less

Getting Started With Outsourcing

Balancing workloads is the main reason for outsourcing the design and drafting work (source: AIA, refer article of our Newsletter Vol 1 Feb 2005). Any firm considering outsourcing can be… Balancing workloads is the main reason for outsourcing the design and drafting work (source: AIA, refer article of our Newsletter Vol 1 Feb 2005). Any firm considering outsourcing can be certain of one thing and that is choice. Companies are often stymied by a lack of access to people with expertise and specific skill-sets, especially when resources are scarce. Rather than investing in personnel, training and technology infrastructure, architects and interior designers can partner with world-class service providers, who have already made investments in technology, methodology and people and can deliver high quality work on time and within budget everyday… Read more Read less

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