BIM Capability Assessment

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The role of Building Information Modelling (BIM) is being recognized beyond design and 3D representation for its benefits across the construction lifecycle of a project. At the same time, facility managers are also getting acquainted with how BIM implementation is not limited to the construction phase. In fact, after project completion, the data repository containing asset history, operation and maintenance related information is valuable for asset management. The role of BIM in disaster management and recovery based on the asset information is notable.

Construction technology is advancing rapidly and helping us build better. However, natural disasters like floods, earthquakes and tornadoes are beyond our control. The disaster may be inevitable, but the damage to the asset and subsequent financial losses can be minimized greatly. What-if scenarios can be simulated using BIM models from the planning stage itself for building and infrastructure utilities. We have also witnessed cases of ill-management in fire accidents. In such scenarios, lack of asset information and delayed evacuation has resulted in higher injuries and death tolls. Having access to the BIM model for the building/ property and using the information to recover from the disaster can be truly beneficial.

Today, BIM’s information storehouse can be used by facility managers for disaster planning and management. Facility managers and emergency response teams can make quick decisions with the help of BIM data on floor plans, the MEP systems and real-time asset information. 

The accurate building information and timely communication can help facility managers tackle fire accidents and other emergencies. For example, the geometric and topological information of the building through BIM can give a clearer perspective to the emergency response team in case of fire accidents. When firefighters have a detailed layout and other asset information such as functional doors and elevators, they can navigate the building easily and prepare for evacuation and safety measures effectively.

BIM’s real-time information can also help in post-disaster recovery. For example, the emergency response team can use asset information from BIM such as damage to walls and electrical wires due to flooding. With this information, the team can take necessary action to avoid further losses and plan rapid asset recovery.

To conclude, state-of-the-art technology helps us achieve robust construction. But we need to build sustainable assets for a better future. BIM for construction, if used effectively, can help us construct disaster-resilient buildings, enhance consumer protection and ensure a safer environment for the community also BIM is an effective tool for renovation projects.

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